Oakley avenue records
The Compilation Album
Featured Artists
Jonathan Hodges leads Bomethius, a baroque pop project based right here in Chicago. His music, influenced by classical training, blends chamber rock akin to Andrew Bird and Elliott Smith.
Studio albums feature diverse guest contributors like Sam Ahmadi, Matt Shaw, Michael Minkoff, Ricky Roshell, Chris Stubblefield, and Jeff Tullis, while live performances often include Jeremiah de la Peña, Dan Kristan, and Taylor Vos. Together, they enhance Bomethius’ introspective themes and musical depth.
Lawrence Tome
Lawrence Tome is the King of the River. You may hear his sound waves dancing over the branching waterways of Chicago.
Lawrence Tome was born and raised in a Norman Rockwell painting.
Lawrence Tome will lull you into a trance before drenching you in lilting melodies and somber stories, packaged neatly in harmonic wrapping paper and taped shut with the sticky side of eras long gone.
Lawrence Tome is most easily seen under the light of a full moon.